Woman in society are often times seen as weak and non- powerful. The protagonist of the Scarlet Letter proves that this is not so, and doesn't allow herself to become what others judge her to be . Hester Prynne is a beautiful, strong, and independent women who has committed adultery. In her time, adultery was considered a crime and was punishable by death. Hester is forced to wear the letter A on her bosom to brand her, and let society perceive her as impure and sinful. Hester is constantly plugged by judgement, looked down upon, and persecuted against yet she keeps her head held high to not let her persecutes get the better of her.
Hester is independent and determined. She is isolated from society with no money and a job for support, but manges to raise her only child pearl by herself in a small cottage treating her with the affection, friendship, and acceptance that she lacks in her community. She is also gorgeous she has dark abundant hair, an elegant body, and a beautiful complexion and also wears a beautiful attire such as her dress that radiates in the sun like her complexion.
Pearl is hesters beautiful, understanding, and observing child . She inherits her gorgeous features from her mother Hester. Pearl has faultless beauty, silky dark black hair, dark eyes, and a beautiful complexion. Although the attire she wears is simple it flatters her. Pearl is also understanding when her mother was crying profusely about her life, seeing as this bothered her. Little pearl would harden her expression and clench her fist tightly as if to say be strong mom I'm here for you.
When pearl was playing across a bank ,her mother called pearl several times to return and began to become frustrated that pearl would not cross the pond. Hester figured out that pearl had noticed the A was missing from her bosom. It was supposed to be their to remind her mother of who she was and who she brought into the world, so she asked pearl to retrieve it from the bank and put it on. Hester tried to throw it away as if to erase that identity from her past.