This just in......
Society in this novel is very judgemental and opionated. It is prominetly filled with prutian people ( these are people who take religon and faith very seriously, believe in jesus and the devil, and believe that there are those who are the devil or evil . This belief has a tendency for people in society to discriminate against others and treat them unequally. The protagonist of the novel Hester experiences this first hand. An example of this is when in the beginning of the novel Hester is released from prison to be viewed by all in the public square, carrying her small infant child in her arms, and the letter A on her bosom.
A group of ladies in the crowd on
the way to the public square are slandering her and being malicious. Stating that
she is sinful, evil, and should be put to death for comitting adultery. She is
displayed in the public square to made an example of by all. This is telling
the audience that she has comitted treason, is an outcast, and is sinful. The A
that Hester wears on her bosom brands her in society, as a result she is
looked down upon and considered a disgrace. While in the public square Hester
is catechised by the presit, telling her to reveal who she had comitted adultery
with forcefully in front of the public. Can one man assume the role of god because of his religous background, and tell hester she will be burden free if she reveals who she comitted adultery with.Hester has no friends or a companion to
share her feelings with due to this segergation.
This can be related hand in hand to todays society. Just
like the prutians, society and I judge others unfairly who are different or act
abnormally. Society judges people on their hairstyle, weight, appearances,
race, and many other aspects. In media just like the prutians, they believed
that everyone was supposed to look a certain way or act a certain way ( for example:
look skinny, or normal with no imperfections) In magazines for females they
display half naked and skinny females, or in male magazines males are depicted with rippling abs and are muscular. This
tells both sexes that this is what they should look like. As humans I think we
are scared of what we don’t understand or what we don’t comprehend, this is why
we are divided. The prutians judged others who were sick, contracted disease,
or didn’t act in a certain matter, just like todays people do because we feel they are
not normal or good enough to be apart of society.