Wednesday, December 19

Analysis of setting

     The setting of the classic novel The scarlet letter, takes place in the 1600s. The region in Massachusetts appears to be a small town, due to the fact that everyone knew the protagonist of the story had  comitted adultery, ( which was considered evil and sinful) her name, and that she bore a small infant child. Massachusetts is colonized by the English which now in present day is a part of America. In this novel Massachusetts is purtian (controlled and populated with people who hold strong opinion and belief with god, faith, and religion as well as perceive hell and heaven in a literal sense) Puritans believe strongly in good and evil and that the devil has influence in others in some shape or form.

   Wearing nice clothing or jewellery were perceived as evil. People with sickness ,mental issues, and deformities  with no cure or help were seen as evil ,looked down upon, slandered, and even killed. I think people in society are scared of what they don’t understand and cannot explain so they discriminate others. When Hester prynne the main character was unconfined from the jail people in the crowd said she was evil, sinful, and should be put to death.  An example of this would be a priest or a person of importance in a church. Hester Prynne was brought before the public square to be viewed by all . She was told by a priest to reveal who she committed adultery with, for it will lift her burden and evil spirits. As a result Hester wears the letter A on her bosom to distinguish her from society and gain the negative attention of others unwantingly.