Shameful Times May 1960
What a sin! how disappointing and so unexpected of our women! Hester Prynne has committed adultery. It is a crime to commit adultery and the punishment shall be death! The leaders of the Puritans expect their people to be just as religious. Hester Prynee will not be put to death but she has served her time in jail. Hester also had to stand in front of the public at the market place showing her red A to let the crowd know what she has done. The A represent adultery and its sown on to her dress. Hester has to wear it on her for ever as a reminder of her sin and to let everyone know.Since Boston is by ruled by religious leaders it is a crime to do anything that counts as a sin. Laws involve what counts as sin in the Christian faith because Puritans had power over the town. The Puritans are extremely religious and they have power to judge and punish.
-Arige Baddad
The church today forgives and accepts and has commandments separate from the laws. Sin today is personal and optional because there is more then one faith and does not count as a crime. Sin today might not count as a sin in someone else is eyes. Crimes today are ruled by the government being broken and have nothing to do with whether you believe in a faith or not. Today a lot of governments do not even give death as a punishment for people who murdered.